Oregon’s Agricultural Array

Oregon's agricultural regions

Oregon’s vast agricultural diversity is no secret. With more than 35,000 farms covering a whopping 16.3 million acres, the state produces more than 220 commodities. A big part of Oregon’s agricultural success is the unique attributes of its different growing regions:

Oregon crabs

Coastal Oregon

Oregon’s deliciously famous seafood, including salmon, albacore tuna, Dungeness crab, pink shrimp, oysters and more, comes from the coastal region. Flavorful and award-winning cheeses are also produced here.

Willamette Valley

This region is one of the most agriculturally diverse in Oregon – and the world. Willamette Valley farmers produce more than 170 different commodities ranging from grain, grass seed, nursery products and Christmas trees to fresh produce, hazelnuts, cattle, and sheep.

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This small region, located in the northern valleys of Mount Hood reaching to the Columbia River, is known for high-quality tree fruits, such as sweet cherries, pears and apples.

Central Oregon

Central Oregon is home to a number of specialty seed crops, garlic, hay, beef cattle, mint and vegetables.

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Columbia Plateau

Located in northern Oregon, the plateau is the state’s main wheat- producing area. You’ll also find an abundance of potatoes, onions, vegetables grown for processing, watermelon and alfalfa, thanks to the irrigation along the Columbia River.

Northeast Oregon

Most of the nation’s onion production takes place along the Oregon and Idaho border. Other commodities produced in the region include beef cattle, potatoes, mint and vegetables.

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Southern Oregon

This diverse region is home to some of the state’s sheep and cattle, plus high-quality tree fruits and pears. You’ll also find grapes, alfalfa and plenty of potatoes.

Southeastern Oregon

The largest agricultural region in Oregon in terms of acreage, livestock dominates the area, with cattle grazing on thousands of acres of rangeland. The area also produces onions, potatoes, sugar beets, mint and alfalfa.

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